Monday, November 5, 2012


Every night I go to sleep thinking there is no way I could love this little boy more than I do. But then I wake up, and my heart has miraculously and wonderfully grown overnight, making room for all the falling in love I'll do again and again (and again).
photo by Emily Snitzer - more to come later this week. Edited with the Afterglow app on my iPhone.
Have you checked it out yet? Loving it!

Watching: I'm currently super into a few shows, the first being Revenge. Another one of those programs I heard a ton about from a million people but never watched for one reason or another. I think most of all it just looked super cheesy- and not like I'm above super cheesy shows (hello Footballers' Wives, hello Make It Or Break It, hello...should I go on?) but this just looked kind of dumb. Well surprise, surprise it's actually really amazing, with good acting and great writing. I'm totally sucked in and have gotten a few of my friends addicted in the past couple of weeks too. I'm also loving Nashville so, so much. It might be my favorite new show this year. Have you seen it yet? It's superb and the music just gets me every time. Plus, you can't go wrong with Connie Britton. And the final show I'm loving (besides Bravo's premiere week this week- YES!) is X Factor. I am loving a few of the contestants- Beatrice Miller, Tate (country singer), and a couple more. I'm so curious to see what happens this week. On a related note, I sometimes forget how silly I sound when I talk about television so seriously, so thank you to you non-television loving people for bearing with me while I go on and on (and on!).

Listening to: lots of country and lots of the Cloud Atlas soundtrack. Do yourself a favor and listen to the last song on the soundtrack- but be warned it might make you cry like it does me! I still need to see the movie, but in the meantime the music is making my day and become my own little soundtrack to blogging. As far as country I've been loving Luke Bryan's Tailgates and Tanlines, and I've been listening to a lot of Dixie Chicks too (much to Hank's disgust, haha). I've also had the new Broadway Calls and The Swellers on heavy rotation. 

Planning: Disneyland! Have any of you gone with a 2-year old? We're planning our first trip with Henry for February or March and I've never been with a little one. I have a lot of research to do, but I'm curious about what rides he'll be able to go on at his age (about 2 1/2), which ones you'd recommend from experience, and any other bits of wisdom you'd like to send our way! I'm sure I'll write a post once it gets closer but any early-planning info would be awesome.

Thinking about: the election today. I have so many thoughts, some of which I really have to stop myself from sharing for fear of offending some of my closest friends. I am voting for Obama for a million reasons, including but not limited to women having rights to their own bodies and equal rights for all. It's hard to verbalize just how disappointed I feel that Romney's stance on so many things could even be accepted by the nation I live in, but I know that everyone has their own viewpoints and is entitled to them. And unfortunately it's close to impossible to even try to change their minds, especially when those beliefs are so deeply rooted in religion. Just as no one could ever convince me that being gay is "wrong," I doubt I could ever convince someone of the opposite. And that upsets me, but I really try and remind myself that as much as I think I am right, they think they are right too. Ugh, it's hard. I accept my friends and their views no matter what though, and I know that it's okay to feel differently about things. But I will say this: I am so, so scared for womankind (and humankind) if Romney is elected. I do not pray but I am crossing my fingers and toes that our President is elected another term to finish what he started (cleaning up).

Looking forward to: this weekend! I'm heading up to Flagstaff for a little college girls reunion. It's been years since we've all been in the same place at the same time, and since no one is getting married, pregnant, or experiencing any of the other huge life events that have been happening on the regular since we last saw each other, we are good to go! Hank was sweet enough to plan a "guys weekend" for himself and Henry, and I'm grateful I'm able to go and spend a couple days with my sorority sisters and girlfriends where it all began.

Reading: I've been a reading machine lately. Currently reading Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin and loving it. I'm also about to finally start Gone Girl, although I'm a little nervous because I've heard it's a little intense! I'll keep you posted. Oh, and how could I forget Goodnight Construction Site? We've been reading that one a million times a night thanks to a little guy by the name of Henry (or Hennison, Henny, Henson, or any of the other million silly nicknames we've given him).

Making me happy: visiting my sis and Abe in their beautiful new home this past weekend, quality time with my parents, texts with Amber Joy that make me laugh out loud at my phone, getting excited about all of the holiday fun coming our way, the box full of something awesome for Henry's party that arrived yesterday, exciting blog stuff, making new friends, continuing to stay in the positive when it comes to negative online stuff, Henry and that contagious smile of his, turkey and provolone sandwiches, new flats that fit like an absolute dream (more on them later this week), and a fun date night Saturday with Hank that ended with frozen yogurt and fits of laughter.

So, how about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments for everyone to check out. And thanks again to my dear friend Megan for providing the original inspiration for these posts.

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