Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just a hello!

this morning- "Issa pocket, mama!"
Hello and happy Tuesday! It's 2pm here in Arizona and while Henry finishes up his nap I thought I would pop in and say hi. It's been a good, slow day so far- we woke up a little later than usual and ate some breakfast. Henry only wanted to eat a cereal bar (well, two of them), so that's what he had, and I had the same thing I've had for the past week- Ezekial cinnamon raisin toast with butter. Yum. Then we split a carton of raspberries and called it good.  

Tuesdays are Storytime days in our neck of the woods so we got dressed and headed out to meet Veronica and Max for a walk before the library. We walked around the square then hightailed it into the library to meet friends and listen to Mr. Steve read books and sing songs. If you're a mama and haven't yet checked out your local storytime, I highly recommend it. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your story man or lady is even a little bit like our Mr. Steve, because that way you're sure to love him. He's the most wonderful man, full of life and fun, and the kids just gravitate towards him. I feel so lucky we get to see him every week.

So we sang and danced and played for a good hour, then then the four of us walked over to the bagel shop so the boys could eat an early lunch. Henry loves cream cheese lately, so he ate about a half a bagel before both little ones were ready to go. Now he's finishing up his nap, I'm doing some work online and anticipating a good workout in a few hours.

A funny moment from this morning: Henry chasing me to the pantry yelling "BOOTY! BOOTY! BOOTY!" I was kind of freaked out for a minute until I realized he was yelling for the Veggie Pirate's Booty on the shelf. Ha!

Life with a toddler is never dull.

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