Thursday, October 25, 2012

Literate & Stylish: Elisabeth of Manic Mrs. Stone

The premise of Literate & Stylish is simple, and the post is short but sweet- every Thursday I'll be showcasing a lovely lady and her favorite book. She'll share a few pretty photos showing off her personal style, along with her book of choice, and tell us why she loves it. 

from Elisabeth of Manic Mrs. Stone

Diet For a New America by John Robbins

Diet for a New America is the book that made me fall for one of the leaders of the food revolution - John Robbins (yes… I have a crush on a 64 year-old).  It became my favorite book almost immediately upon reading it.

John Robbins is the only son of Irv Robbins.  You know, of the Baskin-Robbins empire?  He grew up with the luxury of a huge home, an ice-cream cone shaped swimming pool, enough wealth to live however he pleased, and the promise of this entire empire that would be put in his name when the time came. But he left all this wealth to go out in search for his true and passionate purpose in life.  He believed strongly that food had a huge impact on health and couldn’t be a part of an industry with good intentions, but bad results.  That in itself is pretty much…wow.  I can’t help but admire a person like that.  

Diet for a New America was his first in a series of amazing and influential books.  It is a pro-vegan book that exposes the corporate takeover and corruption of the food industry as well as the pain and inhumanity we unknowingly inflict of other beings of this earth all while inspiring the reader to take more positive and healthful actions for themselves and their planet. There was very little I actually knew about these topics before reading this.  But this well-researched, passionate and revealing book has changed my perspective and my life.  I can’t help but feel inspired and motivated. 

Diet for a New America has been the spark that lit my passion for food revolution and activism.  John Robbins has a beautiful and powerful way of inspiring and encouraging a thoughtful way of living.  Even someone that has no interest in veganism or changing their current lifestyle would benefit from reading this (or watching the documentary made from the book…shhh).

see previous Literate & Stylish posts here. 
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