Hi everyone! I'm Megan and I blog at Freckled Italian. I wanted to share a word on my experience with Paleo today since Dani has been trying it out for herself!
I switched to Paleo almost a year ago and I can't believe how much it's changed my life. I went from being a frail, always-dizzy, migraine-riddled, constantly anxious and often depressed 23 year-old with acne that just wouldn't quit and a moderate case of alopecia areata to the healthy and happy person that I am today. I now have a full head of hair, clear skin, and my anxiety under control. There are some days that I wake up and miss sourdough bread or my beloved morning lattes (especially now as fall approaches!), but they sure beat the days I used to wake up and wonder what could possibly be wrong with me.
I know that not everyone chooses to switch to Paleo because of health reasons, but that's my story, and I love to share it. I've also always loved cooking and eating, and the past nine months or so have really changed the way I think about food. It's also forced me to get a little more creative in the kitchen...and sometimes, to just wrap things in bacon. Here are my five favorite things I've made and blogged in the last few months. I hope you find something you like.
Try one or try them all-- and let me know if you do!
Thanks for having me today!
Thanks for having me today!
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