Wednesday, September 12, 2012


 a new pretty rug for our laundry and a pair of shoes no blogger has ever had before. ;)
Loving: that my sister and Abe will be bringing little Lucy into the world in just a few months (January 9th to be exact). I don't know if I shared yet that they are having a little girl, but they are, and I am so excited. I honestly wouldn't care if Hank and I had all boys, but it makes me even happier to know no matter what I'll always have a sweet little niece named Lucy to do all sorts of girly things with. My sister is going to be the best Mom and I'm really looking forward to seeing her in her new role.

Reading: A couple of books. I started Anna Karenina last week and I'm really enjoying it. It's a book I've been meaning to read forever, but haven't ever gotten around to for a few reasons - one, it's always been a bit intimidating at 1,182 pages...and two, so many other new, shiny books were always more enticing. I am a total sucker a good classic though so I felt it was about time I gave it a try. The second book I'm in the middle of is a book I actually had already started previously and wasn't too into. I don't know what's changed, but now I'm suddenly loving it and finding it much easier to relate to. The book I'm talking about is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It's incredibly inspiring and I've been devouring chapter after chapter every night before bed. I'm not done yet, but I highly recommend it. I already can't wait to read her next book.

Watching: The new season of Parenthood. Can I tell you how much I love this show? It's another one of those shows everyone and their neighbor said "you've GOT to see it!" and I ignored them (like a fool). Let's not even talk about the fact that my own mother tried to convince me to watch LOST when it first came out and I told her it looked ridiculously dumb. Ugh. So yeah, I held off on ever starting it, and one day during one of Henry's long naps I discovered it on Netflix and became hooked after the first episode. Amazing acting, amazing writing, just overall amazing. If you haven't seen it, you need to.

Thinking about: what a great husband Hank is. I don't talk about him too much in this space (who wants to read about how great someone else's partner is anyway, right?) but every so often I feel like I need to just shout it to the rooftops. To see Hank as a father, and more so as such a present father who finds the joy and positivity in everything, is such a gift. Sometimes I feel like I am a little difficult- I am often moody and prone to overemotional moments- but he loves me all the same and makes me feel so safe being 100% me, 100% of the time. It's truly an amazing thing to be raising Henry with my best friend and I feel very thankful for this love in my life for the past 8 years.

(Slightly) Stressing about: Henry's first long flight as a toddler. This weekend we head out on a 6 hour flight + a flight on a smaller plane and I'm a little nervous about it. We've flown with him before for even longer distances, but he was smaller and it wasn't a big deal at all. This time he has his own seat and it should be quite the adventure. He's only used the iPad once, when I used it in a back of the seat holder and put on Disney movies while we drove to CA. He's never played a game or anything on it (or any device), so I think if we let him do that it might keep him occupied for awhile in a "what the heck is this magical toy?!" kind of amusement. So I ask you, any tips for flying with a toddler? I'm all ears!

Looking forward to: Henry's 2nd birthday! I absolutely love birthdays and I'm excited to host a fun party at our house for him full of toddler friendly food and fun. Last year we had a big 1st celebration and it was fun, but I think this year will be even more fun since it's a lot more about him. 1st birthdays always seem more about the adults, don't they? This year I'm looking to have a low key party- light eats and sweets, and fun goodie bags for the kids. I wish you all could come!

Making me happy: not eating cheese and then eating cheese and having it be the BEST thing in the entire world, making progress in Crossfit, starting Boardwalk Empire with Hank (we have only seen the first episode but we loved it), our visit to our town's little sanctuary zoo today - Henry yelling "HI TIGER!" melted my heart, thinking about baby #2, and my new blog design coming so soon! 

So, how about you? What are you up to today? Feel free to do your own "currently" post on your blog and link back in the comments for everyone to check out. And thanks again to my dear friend Megan for providing the original inspiration for these posts.

Click here to see previous Currently posts.

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