Monday, September 3, 2012

A Random Monday

Storm clouds rolling in on our walk tonight. Nothing's better than monsoon season in Arizona! 
Isn't this photo insane? I took it on our walk last week. It's very Rosemary's Baby to me. There is NOTHING like monsoon season in Arizona. It's amazing and beautiful, and if you love storms like we do, it's just the best thing ever.

Today's a good day for a few reasons: it's the first Monday of a new month which I love, Hank has off work, and we're spending the day with my family down in the valley. We've been here all weekend and I decided to take a break from blogging while I was here outside of a few Instagram photos. Obviously I love being online but it's also great to take a step back every so often to clear my head and just do my thing without having anything else on my mind.

I feel like this is going to be the most random post ever but I think those are good sometimes- to just write without a purpose or plan. And speaking of blogging/writing, I was just thinking about how I promised to do a video blog months ago to answer your questions and never did it. And now I don't feel like doing one! I tried a few times but I just feel too awkward so I think I'm just going to answer your questions in a post. Hope you all aren't too disappointed. ;) It's one thing to post a quick little video saying hello, but sitting there answering 50 questions made me feel really silly even after the first couple of minutes. The funny part is that I love to watch other peoples' videos but doing them myself? Not so much. 

Hmmm, what else? Oh, this is weird but the other week I started drinking Kombucha almost every day. When I was teaching I'd drink it every once and awhile if I ran over to the natural food store for lunch, but it definitely wasn't a regular thing. I'm not sure what the deal is, but this past week, anytime I drank it, about an hour or so later I would start to feel anxious and very panicky. At first I thought I was just feeling that way because of whatever reason, but then I started to connect the dots. I stopped drinking it, and I haven't felt that way since. I googled it and couldn't find any info on Kombucha causing anxiety, so I'm curious if anyone has ever had a similar reaction. Weird, right?

And I already talked about this but as soon as September hits I get this giddy feeling and I swear, I can really feel fall in the air. It just makes me feel so inspired- there's nothing like it. I always want to clean out my closet, write more, cook more, just do more. I know some people feel like this when winter is over and spring comes around, but for me it's totally Fall. 

In other news I just spent a little bit of time choosing some recipes to try for the week and I thought I'd share them here!  I'll be sure to post another "Tried it and Liked it" post and share the ideas I loved. 

Pizzuchini (made with Field Roast vegan sausage so Hank can enjoy it too)

Some other things that are going on: I'm headed to Las Vegas this upcoming weekend to spend time with Emily. She's living there for two months to train for a new job and I'm happy to come up and keep her company. We have some fun things planned- hiking, working out, maybe a girl's night out, and pool time. I've been missing Em so much since my visit to NYC last month so I'm grateful I'll get more time with her over the next couple of months. I've also been seriously simplifying and purging my closet of anything I don't wear or doesn't fit well. It's embarassing that I've held on to so many things that haven't seen the light of day in months! I've been either selling it on my little Instagram "Shop my Closet" account or donating it to Goodwill and it just feels so good to be clearing things out. I told you, it's the fall in the air! Also: Lauren's SO pregnant and it's adorable, my Dad set his retirement date for this April, and my sister-in-law's birthday is coming up. All good things! 

This ends my rambling for today. If you made it this far, thank you! I'm off to enjoy our day with my family and give Henry lots of hugs and kisses- he's had a temper-tantrum filled past couple of days and hasn't been in the best of moods. I think he's going through a growth spurt but it makes me sad that he feels frustrated. So, I hope Henry annnnd all of you have a wonderful day and are ready for an awesome week. If you have a moment, check out my new September ads over there on the right - so many amazing blogs and shops I'm excited to be working with. Happy Monday and lots of love!

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