Saturday, September 15, 2012


Menehune Fishpond Sunset - Kauai, Hawaii

We are currently up in the sky, en route to one of my favorite places in the world, Hawaii! And that means are also right at the beginning of Henry's first long flight as a send us all the happy traveling wishes you've got! I'm hoping we'll be pleasantly surprised- sometimes I get stressed about things only to wonder afterward what the big deal was anyway, so I hope that's the case. We're prepared though and totally stocked with snacks and little games and Henry's current favorite, Team Umizoomi!

A few thoughts:

SO thankful for friends who agree to a Northern AZ getaway the same week we go out of town. Nothing's better than houseguests turned house/dog/plant-sitters! It makes me feel a lot more secure knowing everything is safe and well taken care of.

It's so funny how excited I get to travel. I still get that little kid giddiness over airports, flying, and even hotels! I hope that never goes away, and I hope I'm also able to instill that in Henry, the same way my parents did with us. They always made everything so special and magical, and everyday I try to do the same for our little guy. He's been excited all week about "flying in the BIG plane!"

I scheduled my regular posts with just a few guest posts from friends to fill in the blanks over the next week. I hope you enjoy them! I'll be back soon to share stories and photos from our trip, but until then you can also follow along with me via my Instagram where I'll be (over)posting photos daily!

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