Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Library Card Sign-Up Month!

This week I have a handful of blogger friends filling in with little posts for me while I'm gone. First up is my sweet pal Diana from Our City Lights. I'm sure you've already stopped by her blog, but if you haven't, be sure to check it out. Diana is one of my favorite people on the planet, and her blog is total extension of her: smart, beautiful and witty. It's a must-read, for sure.

And on the subject of libraries and books, this is one of three book-related posts I have set for this week. Fun! And with that said, here's Diana...

No, it's not your Visa, your MasterCard or even a poker chip.

It's your library card.

Seriously, your library card. You do have a library card, right? I know most of the readers of this blog venerate the library, but I know there's a few of you who don't even have a card yet. Don't think of the library as the moldy dark place for just books. Most libraries have had quite the facelift.

The services offered are ridiculous- besides the obvious free books, there's free wifi, free music, free new movies, free video games, free classes, freeeee! Find out what they have with WorldCat, an item search for any library.

The way to keep this going? Go support your local library. Pick up a new recipe book. Pick up a how-to book on Photoshop, or Gossip Girl Season 3 (oh, wait, I did that already). Pick up a book on Chanel to inspire you beyond the fashion blogs we read, pick up new music to add to your iPod. The list goes on.

Libraries need more support than ever. Yes, funds are needed, but you, the patron, must do nothing more than pick up one of the most powerful cards you will own in your wallet- your library card.

September is Sign Up For A Library Card Month

Why else should you sign up for a card? It's Happy Library Card Sign-Up month. If you have a library card already, you are in the rare category of Americans. If not, sign up already. Join the flickr group to join in!

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